why do i have to work so hard? at what point did everything change?
1. the isles are way too skinny (and that's all i'll say about that...maybe).
2. people stand and talk completely oblivious to anyone else around them who are actually there to get to the very stuff behind them, behind their family reunion or whatever.
3. shelf stocking should be done in the middle of the night. not at noon on sunday or any afternoon, morning, or late afternoon.
4. bring back baggers and teach them how to do it correctly.
5. design a store correctly. sure, they put fruit, vegetables, and bread towards the end of the journey; however, due to the crazy checkout centers nowadays, the fruit, vegetables, and bread end up on top of the cart. the stuff on the top of the cart end up at the bottom of the cart after it's bagged.
6. don't make me do all the work! where did customer service go?
i had an interesting experience today: i piled my stuff onto the conveyor belt, the lazy guy touching my stuff and tossing it into the miniature plastic bags ran out of bags and space for my items. at the same time, i ran out of space on the conveyor belt and we were at a standstill. i guess he wasn't getting paid to do anything at all other than stand there looking like he had just received a lobotomy, so i ran back and forth about twenty times getting the bags and putting them in a still half filled grocery cart and piling more stuff on the belt. STUPID! if i hadn't just spent an hour getting all my food, i would have shouted f***k this, you, and left all my crap right there half in the cart and half in bags and on the belt to go down the street to pay more at another store. and to top it off, when i got to my car, the cart collecting boys stood in my way--completely oblivious of my presence. why would this upset me? i really enjoy standing around waiting for employees to get out of my way. of course, the boys were having a very important discussion to finish regarding buying a car.
7. the shampoo and pet supplies are on the opposite side of the store. put this stuff closer to the groceries. really, who is buying underwear and coats on their way to the eggs?
dear superstores, all of you, go to hell!